Invincible Tricking is a community-based streetwear brand and media platform for the tricking and parkour world.
Founded in 2010 by James Daly, Invincible designs are all hand-drawn and pay homage to skate, surf, and art subcultures, adding a unique twist of character and play so key in movement sports.

Our Timeline

James started planning Invincible, setting up the first social accounts and sketching the first designs
Invincible Tricking was registered as an Australian company, with the online store and tricking blog launching. We also received the first Australian and international clothing orders.

2011 was a big year, with our first photo shoot and our first gatherings as a brand; ATG 2011 and Skyline Gathering.
We also introduced our first lineup of sponsored tricking athletes, the Invincible Athletes, being Scott Skelton, Phill Gibbs, Vellu Saarela, and Michael Guthrie.
We're international! We ran the pop-up shop in Norway and New Zealand, at Bergen Gathering and NZTG.
We also launched the Invincible Magazine, an online tricking magazine, Kyle Skelly joined the team as our web designer and developer, and Rasmus Ott joined the Invincible Athletes family.

In 2013 we worked with Xswipe on the Tricking World Tour, running the pop-up shop at multiple tricking events throughout Europe and the US.
We also worked with Red Bull on the Red Bull Throwdown, started documenting tricking travel life with the vlogs, and had another very fun photoshoot and product release.
We spent 2014 building platforms for tricking. We launched Invincible Live, a custom live streaming platform for trickers all over the world to teach and battle, before Facebook Live and Instagram Live.
We also created the Tricking World Map, a crowd-sourced global map of tricking gyms, grass spots, and schools.
Jeremy Price joined the team as Editor, meaning the blog got so much better!
And we returned to the US and Europe for Red Bull Throwdown 2014, New Heights, and Hooked 2014.

We created and launched the Invincible Academy; an online educational platform for learning directly from the best in the world. The site included tutorials, private coaching, session feedback, and more.
We continued working with events in Europe and the US, with HiGH 2015, New Heights, and Hooked Gathering.
These last few years we've been focusing the brand, honing in on our style, releasing new tees, shorts, hoodies, hats, and designs, locking in a more efficient shipping and fulfilment process, and adding new media series.